Aurobindo Sri
The synthesis of yoga II - - Pondichery Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department 1999 - 919 p. 25 cm. - The complete works of sri Aurobindo. vol.24 24 .
Contents :-The Renaissance in India: with a defence of Indian culture .--v.19 . Essays on the Gita.--v.26. The Future poetry with on Quantitative metre.- v. 18. Karma plays and stories I - v. 15. The secret of the veda with selected hymns - v. 13 Essays in philosophy and yoga, shorther works 1910-1950. - v. 4. Collected plays and stories II - v. 24 The synthesis of yoga II - Human cycle the Ideal of human unity war and self- determination- v. 34. Savitri, algegend and a symobol- v. 33. Savitri a legend and a symbol - v. 12 Essays divine and human, writings from manuscripts 1910-1950
Philosophy , Yoga, India, Aurobindo, Sri
Aurobindo, Sri
181.4 / AUR
The synthesis of yoga II - - Pondichery Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department 1999 - 919 p. 25 cm. - The complete works of sri Aurobindo. vol.24 24 .
Contents :-The Renaissance in India: with a defence of Indian culture .--v.19 . Essays on the Gita.--v.26. The Future poetry with on Quantitative metre.- v. 18. Karma plays and stories I - v. 15. The secret of the veda with selected hymns - v. 13 Essays in philosophy and yoga, shorther works 1910-1950. - v. 4. Collected plays and stories II - v. 24 The synthesis of yoga II - Human cycle the Ideal of human unity war and self- determination- v. 34. Savitri, algegend and a symobol- v. 33. Savitri a legend and a symbol - v. 12 Essays divine and human, writings from manuscripts 1910-1950
Philosophy , Yoga, India, Aurobindo, Sri
Aurobindo, Sri
181.4 / AUR