Miller Ronald D., Kirby Robert R., Lichtor J. Lance, Tremper Kevin K., Schwinn Debra A.
Atlas of anesthesia - - Churchill Livingstone 1998 - 32 p. - 4 .
Developed by Curretn medicine, Philadelphia, PA, Contents: v. 1. Critical care/ Robert R. Kirby, editor - v.2. Scientific principles of anestheisia/ Debra A. Schwinn, editor - v. 3. Preoperative preparation and intraoperative monetoring/ J. Lance Lichtor, editor- v. 4. Principles of anesthitic techniques and anesthitic emergencies/ Kevin K. Tremper, editor
Anesthesia- - atlases, Anesthesiology- - atlases, Critical Care- - methods- - atlases, Preoperative Care- - methods- - atlases, Intraopesative monitoring- - methods- - atlases, Intraoperative monitoring- - methods- - atlases, Emergencies- - atlases
044307903 X 0-443-07902-1 0-443-0790-1 0-443-07906-4
Emergencies- - atlases
Intraoperative monitoring- - methods- - atlases
Intraopesative monitoring- - methods- - atlases
Preoperative Care- - methods- - atlases
Critical Care- - methods- - atlases
Anesthesiology- - atlases
Anesthesia- - atlases
WO200 / MIL
Atlas of anesthesia - - Churchill Livingstone 1998 - 32 p. - 4 .
Developed by Curretn medicine, Philadelphia, PA, Contents: v. 1. Critical care/ Robert R. Kirby, editor - v.2. Scientific principles of anestheisia/ Debra A. Schwinn, editor - v. 3. Preoperative preparation and intraoperative monetoring/ J. Lance Lichtor, editor- v. 4. Principles of anesthitic techniques and anesthitic emergencies/ Kevin K. Tremper, editor
Anesthesia- - atlases, Anesthesiology- - atlases, Critical Care- - methods- - atlases, Preoperative Care- - methods- - atlases, Intraopesative monitoring- - methods- - atlases, Intraoperative monitoring- - methods- - atlases, Emergencies- - atlases
044307903 X 0-443-07902-1 0-443-0790-1 0-443-07906-4
Emergencies- - atlases
Intraoperative monitoring- - methods- - atlases
Intraopesative monitoring- - methods- - atlases
Preoperative Care- - methods- - atlases
Critical Care- - methods- - atlases
Anesthesiology- - atlases
Anesthesia- - atlases
WO200 / MIL