Watson, Neil V.

The mind's machine: foundations of brain and behavior - 2nd ed. - Sunderland, Massachusetts : USA Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers, 2016 - xxii, 471 p.


An introduction to brain behavior --
Cells and structures : the anatomy of the nervous system --
Neurophysiology : the generation, transmission, and integration of neural signals --
The chemistry of behavior --
The sensorimotor system --
Hearing, balance, taste and smell --
Vision : from eye to brain --
Hormones and sex --
Homeostasis --
Biological rhythms and sleep --
Emotions, aggression, and stress --
Psychopathology : the biology of behavioral disorders --
Memory, learning, and development --
Attention and consciousness --
Brain asymmetry, spatial cognition, and language.

"This text introduces the basics of behavioral neuroscience, covering the origins of the field and the structure of the brain, the effects of drugs on it, technology used to study it, and neural systems that underlie feeling, moving, seeing, smelling, and hearing, as well as biological and behavioral aspects of functions like feeding, sleeping, and sexual behavior, and the role of the endocrine system as an interface between the brain and the body and how the environment and behavior affect hormones and brain activity. It also discusses emotional and cognitive processes like learning, memory, language, spatial cognition, attention, consciousness, and decision making, and brain dysfunction."--Protoview.com.


Brain - Textbooks
Neurophysiology - Textbooks
Brain - Physiology - Textbooks
Human behavior - Physiological aspects - Textbooks
Neuropsychology - Textbooks
Psychobiology - Textbooks

WL103 / WAT